
Hi, I’m Hibari!

I’m not sure how you found me in this vast world of the internet where you can find anything and everything, but I am so glad you did! Whether it was from a random google search or the old-fashioned word-of-mouth, I’m so honored for you to be here and to have made the cut for you!

Disclaimer: Guys, I have to be honest—I am brand new to this blogging thing, so please bear with me on this journey (if you have the patience, that is)! I know I’ll get the hang of it in time, but for now, I hope you enjoy this bumpy ride as much as I’m enjoying writing it!

So, here goes. After graduating college in 2016, I bought a one-way ticket to Japan. And that was easily the BEST decision that I had made for myself up until that point. After embarking on that journey, not only did I stay way longer than I had originally planned, but I took every opportunity I had to explore not only Japan, but other nearby countries. After all, when else was I going to have the chance!? So, almost 3.5 years later, I had seen more of Japan and had more stamps in my passport than I could’ve ever imagined. If you so dare, read the much longer version here. ( ;

The reason I decided to start this blog is mostly personal, so I’m going to get personal. I’m blunt. I’m curious. I’m random. So, if you stick with me, I truly hope you take something meaningful away. And if you don’t, that’s okay too—every blog isn’t made for everybody. My goal is to share my personal travel experiences with you, in hopes of inspiring you to live the life you love and deserve. I hope that while reading my blog, you have at least one moment where you think to yourself, “What else is out there in the world for me to explore?” or “I’ve gotta get on a plane and go somewhere.” So whether you’re a fellow travel lover like me or haven’t stepped foot on a plane, I hope you’ll find something that inspires you on this blog.

bun rieu

If you get this one chance to live on this incredibly immense and remarkable planet, wouldn’t you want to explore all it has to offer? Challenge it? See it from a different perspective? Embrace it? I don’t know about you, but I do. So, I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and pursue what you’re truly passionate about.

Since leaving the US and being in “exploration” mode while traveling, I have discovered so much about myself and the world. I believe there is a coveted thrill of not quite knowing what’s going to come next—and I live for that thrill. I’ve learned to trust the timing of my life and not to let fear or hesitation decide my fate.

So, here’s to the memories I’ve made, the memories yet to come, and the sheer thrill of seeking out new places and ways to expand my horizons.



Hi there, welcome to itoeatz! It’s so nice to meet you and I’m glad you’re here! I love food and travel and that’s why I started this blog. Click here to read more!